Peterson pond is situated at the very top of the most scenic valley in Central Illinois. It is relatively small in size at about 1/3 of an acre, but it packs some serious punch in terms of the size of its fish population!
The wind was calm, the sun was shining, and it was 26 degrees outside- perfect weather for a group ice fishing outing! We got everything set up at 10:45 am and spent the next 5 hours catching fish, drilling holes, setting tip-ups, scooting across the ice, pulling in fish, building fires, burning cattails, drinking beverages, catching some more fish, filming some "staged" fishing videos, eating chili, popping popcorn, reeling in fish, taking pictures, telling jokes, staging pictures, pulling in a few more fish, then cleaning all the fish, then just for grins once everything was all packed up we had yet another new angler come on down and had to get a rod back out to catch just a few more fish! Altogether 17 people caught fish today!!!

At one point while cleaning the fish out on the ice and being drilled by questions of all sorts from the peanut gallery I had to just say "you folks are way more entertaining than any TV show" Fortunately we did get some footage so here you go, the TV show: (insert youtube video here once edwin gets er finished)
Once we got everything cleaned up, A few more friends showed up and Edwin and Co cooked up a feast consisting of marinated bluegill chips, poor mans lobster, grilled barbecue trout, chocolate chili, turkey chili, spicy chili, and a huge spread of cheeses and crackers. I have a feeling that this was just the very beginning of one of the very best annual ice fishing get togethers in central Illinois. The only thing its lacking for next year is a catchy name.