Justin and I headed out in the kayaks at the crack of dawn. It was a tad bit eerie getting in the kayaks before the sun came up, but we said we are either going to have a great time or have a great story to tell later on. We paddled 3 miles along the gulf chasing birds and looking for deep holes. The pompano and flounders were not kind to us this morning, but we did catch some nice ladyfish and a couple of crazy looking lizard fish.
The lizard fish are only about a foot long, but they look prehistoricly scary. We kind of joke that they are fish that can kill you 21 different ways with all their venomous teeth, fins, spines, and googly eyes. They may in fact be harmless, but I'm not going to touch one to find out.
So we ended up 3 miles away and the wind and waves kept getting stronger and stronger as the morning progressed. Running on empty, we didnt have enough gas in the tanks to make it back to our place. The kayaks were powered by 280 horsepower super human engines, but they just werent strong enough to make it home! Mommy had to come get us in the van. No pics from this adventure, we left our waterproof camera at home and boy are we mad we did!
Spent the rest of the day swimming and playing. Have lots of pics of this stuff on other peoples cameras that I will post later. I dont have any of that stuff on my camera for some reason. My camera is a special fish camera 2033 dxl limited edition. It only is capable of taking fishing or food related pictures.
We headed back down to Perdido Pass at 4 pm and boy did we have fun! My dad and Mae caught a whole bunch of white trout and Justin caught this enormous bull redfish:
Jim something or other has been fishing his whole life, but hasnt been redfishing much. We showed him the ropes on how to catch pinfish for bait and it wasnt 30 seconds after he chucked his first pinfish out into the current when this mega bull red pounded his bait! Just as we were gaffing the fish, his circle hook was pretty much bent straight!
Here are some pics of the white trout fishing. We caught some dandies:
We didnt stay very late because our stomachs were hurting and growling for some reason? I couldnt figure out why all of our stomachs had this weird achy rumbling feeling at the same time, until I realized we hadnt eaten anything for like 7 hours! I did some research online and it turns out that hunger is a pain that occurs when you need to eat food. Brook and I quickly remedied that strange feeling with some bacon wrapped jalepeno stuffed shrimp and some pecan encrusted grouper.

Oh yeah, first we had to have Wingtzells Oyster House get some food right out to us while waiting for our entrees. Here is what is left of the world famous tangy buffalo syle fried shrimp:

Finished off the night watching the rest of the Missouri/Oklahoma game and all of the highlights from the college football games. Tomorrow we are taking the morning off from fishing (fedi, we got a whole cooler of meat for ya already!) I am going to cook up a feast for breakfast to ensure 'hunger' does not occur at all on Sunday. Then we are headed to go see some alligators at the zoo. Lord willing we will be back at the pass trying to get an even bigger Bull Red!
Those are some slob redfish!