We built a jump dock with a Blob over the Memorial Day Weekend and we had a blast testing it out and getting er all figured out. The blob is a big blow up thing where you put a skinny kid out on the end and then you have a fat guy jump off the platform onto the blob and that force shoots the skinny kid up into outerspace! Here is a short spoof video of me launching Johnny to give you a good visual:
Here are some more pics of the jump dock building process. We just designed and engineered the dock while we built it and ended up with a pretty cool dock.

Here you can see the new blob nestled into its new home by the rope swing and other jump dock.

After a whole summer of climbing and jumping onto the blob and I most likely no longer will be the fat guy. I was pretty tired and very sore and took all week to recover. This coming weekend we have 200 junior high girls and counselors coming to the lake for our church camp, I am gonna have to recruit some more fat guys, cause Justin and I wont be able to keep up.....
So anyhow I electrofished several bodies of water and dialed up some awesome fish and helped create some awesome customized fish management plans for these bodies of water! Here are some highlights from shocking: These first two bass came out of a 3 acre trophy bass pond.
This big momma came out of a 1/2 acre gem! This pond is going to be even more intensively managed!!
Also I took two groups fishing this week. First group was 12 high schoolers from Morton. We caught some really nice walleyes, hybrid stripers, smallmouth, trout and some huge bluegill. We had a 10 lb rainbow trout break off after a 5 minute battle..... Then we cooked up a bunch of fresh hybrid stripers for dinner! We piled onto the fishing pontoon and vertical jigged.....
Next group I took fishing was from the Tremont area and we also caught some really nice fish! Chef Todd came out and cooked our feast this time and we ate grilled muskie for the first time!! He cooked grilled bing cherry trout with a special honey glaze and also fried up some hybrid stripers and he grilled a monster chocolate chip cookie thing that was just awesome. Here is a group pic:
Also last week I helped a client purchase 48 acres in Fulton County that has 2 lakes on it, also I met up with some guys from Iowa and sent them back across the border with a truckload full of fish feeders and aeration equipment, and on top of everything else I am working on coordinating a monster lodge project. We designed and are building this lodge for a client and it is shaping up nicely! Here are some pics:
I spent the afternoon playing with Mae, Noah, and Drake and we plan on going to a pool somewhere after church tomorrow! Next week we head to the Fox Chain of Lakes with our full crew to work up there till Wednesday night. On the way up we will stop in Kirkland, Illinois to electrofish a 5 acre pond. When we get back we have to finish up as many electrofishing surveys as possible before the weather and water gets too hot.
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