The towns of Edwards, Wyoming, Roanoke, Elmwood, and many others have literally 1000's of homes damaged with basement flooding and backed up sewage.... Streams, Criks, Creeks, Rivers, Ponds, and Lakes are spilling over with many roads damaged, bridges under, overflows clogged, and dams blown out. Here is a pic of the Peoria Speed way:
Absolutely unbelievable and with all the rain up north, the worst is yet to come to the big cities along the river like Peoria, East Peoria, Creve Couer, and Henry...The Illinois River is projected to crest Sunday at over 30' which is the highest level ever recorded...
My schedule for the next couple weeks is all messed up, but in the grand scheme of things that is nothing compared to the devastation many people in the area are enduring...
Every time there is a major flood in the midwest we always head out to help sandbag, clean up, and restore- Taylor, Missouri; Oakville, Iowa; Burlington, Iowa; Biloxi, Mississippi; and several other places. Now it looks like we will be working here locally before, during, and after the flood....
Here are some pics from clients, friends, and facebook. My phone was ringing off the hook with flooding related pond problems. Here is the dam of a 3 acre pond in Kickapoo that couldnt handle the water...
DA Hoerr had lots of water!!
Spoon River Valley is all under water:
This is our hunting property. The river is about 1 mile away down by the far tree line:
The culvert under this road couldnt handle all the water:
Thats quite the front lawn pool:
Wouldnt try going under this bridge near Princeville:
Roanoke Panther creek is raging and rising:
Here are some more pics:
Here is a pic snapped by my friend Bob Quinn a couple days before the Flood:
He also snapped this pic as well:
Yesterday I was supposed to be up in Geneseo installing aeration and feeders with the guys, but I was reminded at the last minute it was Donuts with Dad at Noah's Preschool. No way was Noah gonna be the only one without a dad there...the guys covered for me at Geneseo (in the rain)
So anyhow, this is gonna throw a wrench in my meticulously planned out spring, but oh well, we will get er all done! Just 10 seconds ago my mom texted me and said the Spoon River is now going over the Ellisville bridge and that is not a good thing...about 6 hours ago we snapped this pic as we crossed it. I cant even imagine the amount of water that would be to start coming over that bridge....
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