Anyhow today was great! We caught a whole bunch of big tasty fish. We jampacked a whole bunch of fishing and swimming from before sunrise to well after sunset. We started fishing off the beach in front of the condo. Then we swam and built sand castles for awhile before heading out in the kayaks during the middle of the day. About 5 pm we headed over to the bridge at perdido pass to fish the high tide by the pilings. We caught some serious fish at the bridge! We finished off the evening with some fried crab claws, shrimp, and seafood nachos from Live Bait.
Here are the pics from the morning beach fishing. This is my sister Amy with a small bluefish she caught all by herself!

Here is our spread on the beach:

Shaeya is reeling in one of many ground mullet:

Here is the aforementioned ground mullet:

The guy fishing right next to us caught this shark. Of course we had to get a picture of it. You make lots of friends while fishing on the beach. Especially when we are doing alot of catching, fisherman (mainly old guys) come on down and set up shop right next door. Its no problem in the Gulf, because there is plenty of space and plenty of fish in the sea. Its almost better to have more bait in the water, and I have learned plenty from the old fisherman.

Now picture yourself 1/2 mile from shore fishing in a small kayak/boat chasing jumping baitfish with birds diving in the water and dolphins jumping just 15 feet away. Now picture your small boat capsizing with a big wave.... I have never seen Justin move so fast as he did that moment his boat flipped. He had his fishing pole, glasses, hat, paddle, and tackle box gathered up and back in that boat faster than I can blink. It was great.
There are tons of schools of baitfish just off the beach. The big fish are chasing them up to the surface and the birds are dive bombing them from the air. Anyhow Justin and I decided we needed to try and get out to them so we rented kayaks from the rental place across the street. They worked great and we went over a mile offshore in these little boats and we caught some real nice fish. Obviously the highlight was when Justin capsized. Here is a pic of the boats:

We actually caught these flounders from the kayaks. They were the only edible fish we caught so brought them in on stringers and we were able to get pics of them.

Ok, here are the pics from fishing at Perdido Pass. We catch small pinfish (about the size of bluegills) and then put them on the big poles and chuck them way out into the current. Here is the biggest fish of the trip so far! It was a 24 lb redfish that my dad caught. Talk about a battle! This Bull Red hit a 6 inch pinfish like a ton of bricks and took off running!
Justin caught this scary looking fish that we actually couldnt identify. We used plyers to get the hook out of its mouth.
While we wait for the big poles to get hit by the redfish and sharks, we pass the time by catching bunches of these white trout on Berkley gulp shrimp. Just put the fake shrimp on a jig head, cast it out, and slowly reel it in. They are so easy to catch that Mae was catching them all by herself! I don't like to eat them too much because they do have a flavor, but they are a delicacy to many people. My uncle Fedi absolutely loves to eat them, so we will be bringing him home a whole cooler full of these fillets.
They got some teeth! Noah has some teeth too!
Here is the remainder of the seafood nachos and fried crab claws. A great way to top off a full day of playing down near the Gulf! We also had some fresh ground mullet and whiting from our morning trip to go along with the meal.