Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Shocking and Stocking and Docking

Last week we shocked over 12 lakes, built some docks and stocked lots of fish. Probably one of the busiest weeks ever (until this week that is, that seems to be the theme these days). One project in particular was pretty neat to work on with Greg Grimes of Aquatic Environmental Services from down in Ball Ground, Georgia. We started at 7:30 am and shocked lakes until 7:30 pm. Here are just a few of the different species we sampled.
Been stocking lots of smallmouth bass, tiger muskies, bluegills, and fathead minnows! Had a fish truck go down at 3 am last wednesday with $12,000 worth of fish on it so that wasn't a pleasant day with an unpleasantly early start and an immobilized truck. We managed to save most of the fish, and get them all delivered by about midnight or so, but the 1700 hybrid stripers unfortunately didnt make it. Here are some pics from todays fish stockings. We stocked a 150 acre lake with 300 tiger muskies, and we are doing a very cool tiger muskie experiment for a client looking to grow them out and have fun feeding them in a hatchery pond.

Got a few irons in the fire keeping us hopping from sunup to sundown, but over the weekend I spent all day Sunday swimming and fishing and playing with the kids, it was great. We caught some awesome fish, got some sunburns, and just plain old had fun. I didnt take many pics, but here are just a couple good ones. Shew baby the hybrid stripers have sure put on some serious weight!
Monday evening I took a couple guys fishing who purchased our donated fishing trip to lighthouse academies fundraising auction. Lighthouse is a very small private school in Peoria started by some families in our church. There are like 30-40 students in kindergarten through 8th grade. Anyhow, very neat to have that unique schooling option available for our children! I'm gonna save those pics from this particular fishing trip for the next blog post, because they are worthy of their own space. Unbelievable is all I can say. These guys donated to help our small school and I made sure they had the fishing trip of a lifetime!! Grand Slam.

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