Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Fishing Education and Christmas Gift Ideas....

Here is a bunch of information about the hooked on fishing park fundraising gift ideas, open houses this month and some general park info! Hopefully you guys all take the time to go visit the park during one of the open houses or set up a tour anytime!! The place looks amazing and this year we had well over 3500 children and seniors fishing at the park!!!!

I need your help though to keep it rolling!

Yall all know my passion for fishing. However, there is something that perhaps you do not know about me, and that is my passion for teaching and providing fishing opportunities for children and seniors!!

Hooked on Fishing is a not-for-profit organization that I helped found in 2007 along with a partner Mike O’Reilly, owner of Prairie Home Alliance. We leased the old Dixon fish ponds in East Peoria, brought them back to life, and in 2008 we started to fulfill our mission, “To teach the sport and joy of fishing to local children, special needs groups, and seniors by providing the location, equipment, and education free of charge.”

This venture has grown each year since we started it, and this year was our most successful ever; thousands of kids, senior citizens, and special needs individuals were able to enjoy fishing at the park. We hosted scout groups, nursing homes, churches, schools, park districts, day care groups, and community groups from all over the area. The park was staffed by volunteers who helped visitors fish, taught lessons on fishing, held fishing derbies, and kept the park maintained. The park has turned into an awesome venture that is becoming well-known as an important asset to the community. I am so proud to be a part of Hooked on Fishing, and I would like to give you the opportunity to also lend your support to this worthwhile organization. Basically I need your help!

In 2013 we have plans to expand our programs even farther, and involve even more kids, seniors, and special needs groups. We are trying to expand our group of supporters and sponsors as well, and this is where you come into the picture. We need financial support in order to maintain our programs and retire some debt resulting from park improvements. You could help us tremendously by becoming a donor. The park is recognized by the IRS as a 501c3 organization, so your donation will be tax deductible.

We also are having open houses at the park every friday and saturday in December! Please come on down and check out the new clubhouse and facility! Check the website for more info.

Please visit the website to learn more about what we are doing, or give me a call if you have any questions. If you would like to visit the park and take a tour, that can also be arranged. But please, seriously consider making a donation to this very worthwhile cause. You can make your donation on-line at our website, or you can mail your check to Hooked on Fishing, PO Box 176, Washington, IL 61571.

We look forward to hearing from you. THANK YOU so much. I very much hope I can count on you for your support.


1 comment:

  1. Hey, thanks for sharing these cool christmas gift ideas. I might consider this for my DAd since he loves fishing. Merry Christmas!
